Category fun

Violin Imaging and other fun UTE MRI scans

Ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI pulse sequences use specialized approaches for RF excitation and data acquisition to minimize the delay between excitation and acquisition in order to capture rapidly decaying...

The Sounds of MRI

When I tell people I work on MRI systems, one of the most common questions is about the sounds (or maybe described as noise, depending on your experience). Why is...

AI-generated Art and MRI

I recently went off on an exploration of generating images and art using AI, specifically generative adversarial networks (GANs). This was first inspired by a twitter feed,, where they...

Category education

Tabletop MRI for Education - Teaching Experience

Imagine being able to scoop up your MRI scanner, bring it into a classroom, and then live-demo MRI experiments alongside typical classroom materials. This was what I was able to...

Tabletop MRI for Education - Initial Experience

As the ISMRM Annual Meeting 2023 in Toronto, I was approached by a group of UCSF PhD students telling me I had to see something. They led me over the...

Learning MRI (with lectures too)

I just completed teaching the course UCSF Biomedical Imaging 201: “Principles of MRI” for the 11th time, and figured it would be a great opportunity to share some of my...

Explaining MRI in 10 Minutes

I recently embarked on my 11th(!) year of teaching UCSF Biomedical Imaging 201: “Principles of MRI” this fall, where I always start with an Overview of MRI. I think this...

Category RadiationOncology

Synthesizing CT from MRI in Radiation Oncology

In Radiation Oncology, photons, protons, or electrons are used to treat cancer. Medical imaging is crucial in this process and allows us to visualize a patient’s tumor and healthy organs....