% setup MRI-education-resources path and requirements
cd ../
loading image
loading signal


This notebook includes a simulation of various MRI artifacts, as well as a high-level Artifact Comparison below. The wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRI_artifact is also very comprehensive.

Learning Goals#

  1. Identify artifacts and how to mitigate them


Many of the artifacts that occur in MRI can be understood and analyzed using the k-space perspective. In particular, they can be understood as the k-space data being modified by some function. This is described mathematically in MRI Signal Equation and K-space in the K-space Data Weighting section.

Artifact Comparison#

MRI artifacts can generally be categorized as originating from the sample, the sequence, or the system (Source in table below). The table below provides a high-level comparison of these artifacts.

Artifact Name



What to do?

Frequency or Phase encoding


Sequence - FOV too small

Signal folds across image

Increase FOV, swap PE/FE

Phase encoding

Gibbs Ringing/Truncation

Sequence - due to Fourier encoding of edges

Ripples/ringing at sharp edges

Filtering of data


Boundary Artifacts/Partial Volume

Sequence and Sample - opposite \(M_{XY}\) phases with a voxel due to inversion or chemical shift

Artificial dark lines at tissue boundaries

fat suppresion, fat/water imaging



Sample - signal modulated during spatial encoding

Copies or “Ghosts” of image regions that are changing due to motion or flow

Breath-hold, gating, triggering, flow compensation, swap PE/FE

Phase encoding

Image Displacement/Distortion

Sample - chemical shift (fat) and off-resonance (e.g. magnetic susceptibility differences)

Shifts in image

Increase bandwidths, shimming, fat suppression, fat/water imaging, swap PE/FE

Frequency encoding (2DFT), Phase encoding (EPI)

Slice Displacement

Sample chemical shift (fat) and off-resonance (e.g. magnetic susceptibility differences)

Slice location shifts

Increase RF bandwidth, shimming, 3D



Sample - magnetic suscpetibility differences (e.g. implants, air)

Signal loss

Spin-echo, shimming


Dielectric Shading

System - RF propogates unevenly, creating B1 inhomogeneity

Shading across entire image, particularly large FOV, higher B0

B1-insensitive pulse sequences (e.g. adiabatic pulses), image bias correction


RF interference/Zipper

System - unwanted RF signal in data

Line of noisy signal on top of image

RF shielding (close door), check RF hardware, check room lights

At a specific frequency encoding location

Gradient non-linearity

System - magnetic field gradients are not linear, especially away from isocenter

Distortion of subject, particularly near edges of large FOV

Gradient warping correction


Spike Noise

System - intermittent unwanted signal

Specific spatial frequency on top of entire image

check RF hardware (loose connections, broken components)


Displacement Artifacts#

Since MRI relies on frequency to encode spatial information, unknown frequency shifts can lead to disortions of the image. These frequency shifts are due to chemical shift (e.g. fat) and/or off-resonance (e.g. main field inhomogeneities, susceptibility differences).

There will be a shift during frequency encoding of

\[\Delta_{FE} = \frac{\Delta f}{RBW} FOV_{FE}\]

where \(\Delta f\) is the frequency shift, \(RBW\) is the receiver bandwidth, and \(FOV_{FE}\) is the field of view in the frequency encoding direction.

During EPI, there is typically a much larger shift in the phase encoding direction that depends on the echo spacing, \(t_{esp}\). For simplicity, I convert the echo spacing into a “phase encoding bandwidth”, \(BW_{PE} = 1/t_{esp}\):

\[\Delta_{PE} = \frac{\Delta f}{BW_{PE} N_{interleaves}} FOV_{PE}\]

where \(N_{interleaves}\) is the number of interleaves that can be used to reduce the displacement.

Finally, there will also be a displacement of the slice selection, and this will be

\[\Delta_{SS} = \frac{\Delta f}{BW_{rf}} \Delta_z\]

where \(BW_{rf}\) is the slice select pulse bandwidth.

Motion and Flow Artifacts#

Motion, including flow, can result in artifacts in MRI if it leads to inconsistency in the data.

Periodic motion such as breathing, heart beating, and pulsatile flow will lead to distinct ghosting artifacts in the phase encoding direction. The location of ghosting artifacts in sequential phase encoding, will be at predictable intervals in the phase encoding direction:

\[\Delta_{PE} = \frac{TR}{T_{motion}} FOV_{PE}\]

where \(T_{motion}\) is the period of the motion (e.g. \(T_{motion} = 1 s\) for a heart rate of 60 beats per minute ).

Incoherent or more random motion such as irregular breathing, arrhytthmias, coughing, bulk motion will lead to more diffuse ghosting artifacts.

Simulations of Artifacts#

% load k-space data
dataname = 'Data/se_t1_sag_data';
kdata = data;
S = size(kdata);

im_original = ifft2c(kdata);

imagesc(log(abs(kdata)), [0 max(log(abs(kdata(:))))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(im_original), [0 max(abs(im_original(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
warning: load: 'C:\Users\PLarson\Documents\GitHub\MRI-education-resources\Data\se_t1_sag_data.mat' found by searching load path
%% aliasing
N_undersamp = 2;  % >= 1
data_undersamp = zeros(size(kdata));
Iundersamp = 1:N_undersamp:S(1);
data_undersamp(round(Iundersamp),:) = kdata(round(Iundersamp),:);
im_undersamp = ifft2c(data_undersamp);

imagesc(log(abs(data_undersamp)), [0 max(log(abs(kdata(:))))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(im_undersamp), [0 max(abs(im_original(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off

%% spike noise
spike_location = [.6 .53];

data_spike = zeros(size(kdata));
data_spike(round(S(1)*spike_location(1)), round(S(2)*spike_location(2))) = max(kdata(:))/1.5;
im_spike = ifft2c(kdata + data_spike);

imagesc(log(abs(kdata + data_spike)), [0 max(log(abs(kdata(:))))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(im_spike), [0 max(abs(im_original(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off

%% Ringing (with rect object)
N = 32;
kx = [-N/2:N/2-1]/N;
N_rect = N/2+2;
kdata = sinc(kx *N_rect).' * sinc(kx *N_rect);

rect_ringing = ifft2c(kdata);

imagesc((abs(kdata)), [0 (1)])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(rect_ringing), [0 max(abs(rect_ringing(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off

kdata_windowed = kdata .* (hamming(N) * hamming(N).');
rect_windowed = ifft2c(kdata_windowed);

imagesc((abs(kdata_windowed)), [0 (1)])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(rect_windowed), [0 max(abs(rect_windowed(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
%% RF interference
relative_RF_frequency = 0.6;

%single frequency, phase modulated
ph_int = pi*rand(S(1),1);
rfint = exp(i*2*pi* [1:S(1)] *relative_RF_frequency/2 ) *  max(abs(kdata(:)))/S(1)/1.5;
data_rfint = repmat(rfint, [S(1), 1]) .* repmat(exp(i*ph_int), [1, S(2)]);
im_rfint = ifft2c(kdata + data_rfint);

imagesc(log(abs(kdata + data_rfint)), [0 max(log(abs(kdata(:))))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(im_rfint), [0 max(abs(im_original(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
% RF interference -simulate amplitude modulated interference
relative_RF_frequency = 0.2;
rfint = exp(i*2*pi* [1:S(1)]/S(1) * S(1)*relative_RF_frequency/2) *  max(abs(kdata(:)))/S(1)/3;
data_rfint = randn(S(1),1) * rfint;
im_rfint = ifft2c(kdata + data_rfint);

imagesc(log(abs(kdata + data_rfint)), [0 max(log(abs(kdata(:))))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(im_rfint), [0 max(abs(im_original(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
% RF interference - simulate frequency modulated interference
relative_RF_frequency = 1;
f = randn(S(1),1)*relative_RF_frequency/2;
data_rfint = exp(i*2*pi* f*[1:S(1)]/S(1)  ) *  max(abs(kdata(:)))/S(1)/1.5;
im_rfint = ifft2c(kdata + data_rfint);

imagesc(log(abs(kdata + data_rfint)), [0 max(log(abs(kdata(:))))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off
imagesc(abs(im_rfint), [0 max(abs(im_original(:)))])
colormap(gray), axis equal tight off