MRI Contrast#

MRI contrast is a rich dimension of information and the variety of contrasts achieveable is arguably the main advantage of MRI. This section introduces the fundamental techniques of T1, T2, and proton density weighted contrasts as well as inversion recovery and Gd-based contrast agents.

MRI is a modality with a multiple Contrasts

% setup MRI-education-resources path and requirements
cd ../
loading image
loading signal

Learning Goals#

  1. Describe how various types of MRI contrast are created

    • Describe how T1, T2, and proton density weighted images are formed

    • Describe how inversion recovery works

    • Describe how Gd-based contrast agents work

    • Identify various image contrasts

  2. Manipulate MRI sequence parameters to improve performance

    • Choose flip angle, TE, TR, and TI for desired contrast

TE and T2/T2*#

The transverse magnetization decays with \(T_2\) (spin-echoes) or \(T_2^*\) (gradient-echoes) once it is flipped by an RF pulse away from the z-axis. Therefore, the \(T_2/T_2^*\) contrast can be controlled by choosing the echo time (TE), which is the time between the center of the RF excitation pulse and the center of the data acquisition (when the center of k-space is acquired). The signal is then proportional to

\[S_{GE} \propto M_0 \exp(-TE/T_2^*)\]
\[S_{SE} \propto M_0 \exp(-TE/T_2)\]
% TE contrast

TE = linspace(0,200); % ms
T2v = [30;60;80;100;130;200];
[T2 TE] = meshgrid(T2v,TE);
M0 = ones(size(T2));

S_TE = M0.*exp(-TE./T2);

xlabel('TE (ms)'), ylabel('signal')
title('Signal versus TE for various T_2 values')

TE = linspace(0,200); % ms
T2 = linspace(1,150); % ms
[T2 TE] = meshgrid(T2,TE);
M0 = ones(size(T2));

S_TE = M0 .* exp(-TE./T2);


view([155 30])
ylabel('TE (ms)'), xlabel('T_2 (ms)'), zlabel('signal')
_images/923047e0d8c596167e3a9138ad869a8bd2fd9bce8e36b8fbb59a3b45364de9f6.png _images/8f50f8e8bd21658cf2e9af7ccf38fcaf46453733fbc4077a5ed694f5bf20d1b2.png

TR and T1#

The longitudinal magnetization recovers with \(T_1\) back to its equilibrium amplitude, \(M_0\). However, we do not directly measure the longitudinal magnetization. In order to create \(T_1\) contrast in the MR signal, repeated RF pulses are applied with a given repetition time (TR), such that there is incomplete recovery of the longitudinal magnetization. Then, after excitation, incomplete recovery appears in the transverse magnetization, creating \(T_1\) contrast.

90-degree flip angles#

The simplest case is using 90-degree flip angles every TR, in which case

\[S \propto M_0 (1- \exp(-TR/T_1) )\]

Illustrated in the first example below. This shows that the magnetization reaches steady state in the 2nd TR.

% Signal evolution between TRs with 90-degree pulses

M0 = [1;1;1;1]; 

T1 = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms

NTR = 8;
flip = 90;
TR = 500; %ms
Nt_per_TR = 100;
t_per_TR = [1:Nt_per_TR]*TR/Nt_per_TR;
t_minus = [0:NTR]*TR; t_plus = t_minus + 1;

% magnetization before each RF pulse
Mz_minus = zeros(length(T1), NTR+1);
% magnetization after each RF pulse
Mz_plus = zeros(length(T1), NTR+1);

% initial condition
Mz_minus(:,1) = M0;
Mz_plus(:,1) = Mz_minus(:,1)*cos(flip*pi/180);
t = [0 eps];
Mz_all = [Mz_minus(:,1),Mz_plus(:,1)];

for I = 1:NTR
    t = [t, t_per_TR + (I-1)*TR];

    for It = 1:Nt_per_TR
        Mz_all = [Mz_all, Mz_plus(:,I).*exp(-t_per_TR(It)./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-t_per_TR(It)./T1))];
    Mz_minus(:,I+1) = Mz_plus(:,I).*exp(-TR./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-TR./T1));
    Mz_plus(:,I+1) = Mz_minus(:,I+1).*cos(flip*pi/180);


plot(t, Mz_all, t_minus, Mz_minus, 'x', t_plus, Mz_plus,'o')
xlabel('time (ms)'), ylabel('M_Z')
title([num2str(flip) '-degree RF pulses applied every ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])
% TR contrast with T1

TR = linspace(0,2000); % ms
T1v = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms
[T1 TR] = meshgrid(T1v,TR);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_TR = M0.*(1-exp(-TR./T1));

xlabel('TR (ms)'), ylabel('signal')
title(['Signal versus TR for various T_1 values with ' num2str(flip) '-degree flip'])

TR = linspace(0,2000); % ms
T1 = linspace(400,2500); % ms
[T1 TR] = meshgrid(T1,TR);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_TR = M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1));


view([110 30])
ylabel('TR (ms)'), xlabel('T_1 (ms)'), zlabel('signal')
_images/51155c872e295067466de6b9eb18dfc55f2d03f2bde1464ca351604f4353fc47.png _images/eda58af1383601bd31799acf1da6673f51aedf43bb9071f27aa042e63808fbbb.png

< 90-degree flip angles#

For T1-weighting, it is generally more efficient in terms of signal acqruied per time to use < 90-degree flip angles every TR, in which case

\[S \propto M_0 \sin(\theta) \frac{1- \exp(-TR/T_1)}{1- \cos(\theta) \exp(-TR/T_1)}\]

Illustrated in this second example below. This shows that the magnetization can take many TRs to reach steady state.

% Signal evolution between TRs with <90-degree pulses

M0 = [1;1;1;1]; 
T1 = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms

NTR = 30;
flip = 30;
TR = 100; %ms
Nt_per_TR = 100;
t_per_TR = [1:Nt_per_TR]*TR/Nt_per_TR;
t_minus = [0:NTR]*TR; t_plus = t_minus + 1;

% magnetization before each RF pulse
Mz_minus = zeros(length(T1), NTR+1);
% magnetization after each RF pulse
Mz_plus = zeros(length(T1), NTR+1);

% initial condition
Mz_minus(:,1) = M0;
Mz_plus(:,1) = Mz_minus(:,1)*cos(flip*pi/180);
t = [0 eps];
Mz_all = [Mz_minus(:,1),Mz_plus(:,1)];

for I = 1:NTR
    t = [t, t_per_TR + (I-1)*TR];

    for It = 1:Nt_per_TR
        Mz_all = [Mz_all, Mz_plus(:,I).*exp(-t_per_TR(It)./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-t_per_TR(It)./T1))];
    Mz_minus(:,I+1) = Mz_plus(:,I).*exp(-TR./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-TR./T1));
    Mz_plus(:,I+1) = Mz_minus(:,I+1).*cos(flip*pi/180);


plot(t, Mz_all, t_minus, Mz_minus, 'x', t_plus, Mz_plus,'o')
xlabel('time (ms)'), ylabel('M_Z')
title([num2str(flip) '-degree RF pulses applied every ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])
% TR and flip angle contrast with T1

flip = 30; % degrees
TR = linspace(0,2000); % ms
T1v = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms
[T1 TR] = meshgrid(T1v,TR);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_TR = sin(flip*pi/180) .* M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1)) ./ (1-cos(flip*pi/180).*exp(-TR./T1));

xlabel('TR (ms)'), ylabel('signal')
title(['Signal versus TR for various T_1 values with ' num2str(flip) '-degree flip'])

TR = linspace(0,2000); % ms
T1 = linspace(400,2500); % ms
[T1 TR] = meshgrid(T1,TR);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_TR = sin(flip*pi/180) .* M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1)) ./ (1-cos(flip*pi/180).*exp(-TR./T1));


view([110 30])
ylabel('TR (ms)'), xlabel('T_1 (ms)'), zlabel('signal')
title([ num2str(flip) '-degree flip'])
_images/c6c3ff86804fc90d6db5212bfaffb4036b4f55fb68b1aacabd4595848ea18bc0.png _images/0d4792035a35c44d664f8baf02e3d129793ca861b5510c1e4b46e1482e65d58a.png
TR = 100;
flip = linspace(0,90); % degrees
T1v = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms
[T1 flip] = meshgrid(T1v,flip);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_flip = sin(flip*pi/180) .* M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1)) ./ (1-cos(flip*pi/180).*exp(-TR./T1));

xlabel('flip angle (degrees)'), ylabel('signal')
title(['Signal versus flip angles for various T_1 values with TR = ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])

flip = linspace(0,90); % degrees
T1 = linspace(400,2500); % ms
[T1 flip] = meshgrid(T1,flip);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_flip = sin(flip*pi/180) .* M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1)) ./ (1-cos(flip*pi/180).*exp(-TR./T1));


view([110 30])
xlabel('flip angle (degrees)'), xlabel('T_1 (ms)'), zlabel('signal')
title(['TR = ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])
_images/52233a0f28abe80974f1b637e60d8cc5cb1aa08bf61a4595b128cabc5cf9f3f0.png _images/e65e8bb9aad84cb0397af76301679e6145ae6a311f4e81457cf143c75d3b9071.png

T1, T2 and Proton Density Weighting#

By choosing the TE, TR and flip angle values in our pulse sequences and the relationships described above, we can create images that “weighted” by the MR properties of T1, T2, and proton density. This means that the resulting images will have contrast between tissues that have different T1, T2 or proton density.

T2-weighting and T2*-weighting#

To create T2 weighting, the TE is chosen to be long enough such that the there are different amounts of transverse magnetization depending on the T2 value. For example, at TE = 80 ms we can expect to see good contrast between white matter (\(T_2 \approx 60\) ms), gray matter (\(T_2 \approx 80\) ms), and cerebrospinal fluid (\(T_2 \approx 1500\) ms) in the brain (see simulations above).

The TR is chosen to be long relative to T1 values. This allows the net magnetization to fully recover each repetition, and thereby eliminating any T1-weighting.

In T2/T2* weighting, longer T2/T2* tissues have higher signal than shorter T2/T2* tissues.

The difference between \(T_2\) and \(T_2^*\) weighting depends on the choice of pulse sequence: \(T_2\)-weighting comes from spin-echoes while \(T_2^*\)-weighting comes from gradient-echoes. These are discussed later. The same principle applies of choosing a long enough TE, and a long TR.


To create T1 weighting, the TR is chosen to be short enough such that there is incomplete recovery of the net magnetization each repetition. This means that the signal acquired will depend on T1. For example. choosing a TR = 500 ms with a 90-degree flip angle we can expect to see contrast between fat (\(T_1 \approx 400\) ms) and muscle (\(T_1 \approx 1200\) ms) (see simulations above).

For T1-weighting, we also can use smaller flip angles and smaller TRs to boost the overall signal. For example. choosing a TR = 200 ms with a 30-degree flip angle we can expect to see contrast between fat (\(T_1 \approx 400\) ms) and muscle (\(T_1 \approx 1200\) ms) but more overall signal (see simulations above).

The TE is chosen to be short relative to T2 values. This reduces T2-weighting.

In T1 weighting, shorter T1 tissues have higher signal than longer T1 tissues.


To create proton density (PD) weighting, we choose a short TE to reduce T2-weighting and a long TR to reduce T1-weighting. This leaves the image contrast dependent on the proton density, which is captured in the equilibrium magnetization, \(M_0\).

In PD weighting, higher PD tissues have higher signal than lower PD tissues.

Proton-density weighting can be achieved with short TRs when using very small flip angles. This weighting applies up to a certain \(TR/T_1\) ratio. This can be seen in the following by zooming in on the low flip angle area from the plots above and noting that there is no difference between the signal for different \(T_1\) values, meaning the T1-weighting has been removed.

TR = 10;
flip = linspace(0,10); % degrees
T1v = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms
[T1 flip] = meshgrid(T1v,flip);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_flip = sin(flip*pi/180) .* M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1)) ./ (1-cos(flip*pi/180).*exp(-TR./T1));

xlabel('flip angle (degrees)'), ylabel('signal')
title(['Signal versus flip angles for various T_1 values with TR = ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])

flip = linspace(0,10); % degrees
T1 = linspace(400,2500); % ms
[T1 flip] = meshgrid(T1,flip);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_flip = sin(flip*pi/180) .* M0 .* (1-exp(-TR./T1)) ./ (1-cos(flip*pi/180).*exp(-TR./T1));


view([110 30])
xlabel('flip angle (degrees)'), xlabel('T_1 (ms)'), zlabel('signal')
title(['TR = ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])
_images/32c7c2697e4c495b7dd92e7266cf7c91442b8542fdedcec2f962653d181da4d5.png _images/1479be1734020c10caacc2d742465f39a30e5f249d4ea87cc85214af1fdedb47.png

Inversion Recovery#

Another way to create \(T_1\) contrast are “Inversion Recovery” techniques. These use a 180-degree inversion pulse, following by an Inversion Time \(TI\) delay during which \(T_1\) contrast is created. Then the magnetization is excited with a 90-degree pulse.

This strategy is commonly used to null tissue types. For example, so-called short-time inversion recovery (STIR) is used to null fat signals, while fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) is used to null fluids.

\[S_{IR} \propto M_0 (1 - 2\exp(-TI/T_1) + \exp(-TR/T_1) )\]

The illustration below shows that the magnetization reaches steady state in the 2nd TR of inversion recovery.

% Inversion Recovery

T1 = [400; 800; 1200; 2000];
M0 = [1;1;1;1]; 

NTR = 3;
flip1 = 180; flip2 = 90;
TR = 2000; %ms
TI = 750; % ms

dt = 5; % ms
t_per_TR = dt:dt:TR;

% magnetization before each RF pulse
Mz1_minus = zeros(length(T1), NTR+1);
Mz2_minus = zeros(length(T1), NTR);

% magnetization after each RF pulse
Mz1_plus = zeros(length(T1), NTR+1);
Mz2_plus = zeros(length(T1), NTR);

% time of RF pulses
t1_minus = [0:NTR]*TR; t1_plus = t1_minus + 1;  % flip1, 180-degrees
t2_minus = t1_minus(1:end-1)+TI; t2_plus = t1_plus(1:end-1) + TI;

% initial condition
Mz1_minus(:,1) = M0;
Mz1_plus(:,1) = Mz1_minus(:,1)*cos(flip1*pi/180);
Mz_all = [Mz1_minus(:,1),Mz1_plus(:,1)];
t= [0, eps];

for I = 1:NTR
    t = [t, t_per_TR + (I-1)*TR];

    % evolve for TI period after 180-pulse
    for It = find(t_per_TR < TI)
        Mz_all = [Mz_all, Mz1_plus(:,I).*exp(-t_per_TR(It)./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-t_per_TR(It)./T1))];
    Mz2_minus(:,I) = Mz1_plus(:,I).*exp(-TI./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-TI./T1));
    Mz2_plus(:,I) = Mz2_minus(:,I).*cos(flip2*pi/180);

    for It = find(t_per_TR >= TI)
        Mz_all = [Mz_all, Mz2_plus(:,I).*exp(-(t_per_TR(It)-TI)./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-(t_per_TR(It)-TI)./T1))];
    Mz1_minus(:,I+1) = Mz2_plus(:,I).*exp(-(TR-TI)./T1) + M0.*(1-exp(-(TR-TI)./T1));
    Mz1_plus(:,I+1) = Mz1_minus(:,I+1).*cos(flip1*pi/180);


plot(t, Mz_all, t1_minus, Mz1_minus.', 'x', t1_plus, Mz1_plus.','o', t2_minus, Mz2_minus, 'x', t2_plus, Mz2_plus,'o')
xlabel('time (ms)'), ylabel('M_Z');
t1_plus =

      1   2001   4001   6001

t2_plus =

    751   2751   4751
% Inversion Recovery, TI vs T1

TR = 2000; % ms
TI = linspace(0,2000); % ms
T1v = [400; 800; 1200; 2000]; %linspace(200,2000)'; % ms
[T1 TI] = meshgrid(T1v,TI);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_TI = M0.*(1 - 2*exp(-TI./T1) + exp(-TR./T1));

xlabel('TI (ms)'), ylabel('signal')
title(['Signal versus TI for various T_1 values with TR = ' num2str(TR) ' ms'])

TR = 2000;
TI = linspace(0,2000); % ms
T1 = linspace(400,2500); % ms
[T1 TI] = meshgrid(T1,TI);
M0 = ones(size(T1));

S_TI = M0.*(1 - 2*exp(-TI./T1) + exp(-TR./T1));


view([110 30])
ylabel('TI (ms)'), xlabel('T_1 (ms)'), zlabel('signal')
_images/c04df850b80cee23d28fc11f804602ddc0cf9a1d70d3790fdef2ad283b961004.png _images/4fa0b11786811417d054720695cd8f59dcc588f5487d734e5d9c45971f63f1be.png

Contrast Agents#

Contrast agents used in MRI, such as gadolinium chelates and superparamagnetic iron oxides, shorten the relaxation rates wherever they are present. This is quantified by their relaxivities, \(r_1, r_2\), typiclaly in units of [L / (mmol s)]:

\[\frac{1}{\hat{T}_1} = \frac{1}{T_1} + r_1 \cdot [CM]\]
\[\frac{1}{\hat{T}_2} = \frac{1}{T_2} + r_2 \cdot [CM]\]

Where \(\hat{T}_1, \hat{T}_2\) are the relaxation time constants with the agent present, and \([CM]\) is the contrast agent concentration, typically in units of [mM = mmol/L].