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Image Reconstruction#
Image reconstruction in MRI means converting the raw signal collected in k-space into images. For a fully-sampled acquisition using Cartesian sampling (e.g. on a grid), this can be done with a discrete Fourier Transform. In anticipation of advanced reconstruction methods, image reconstruction for MRI is formulated as a linear system. The technique of Partial Fourier imaging is also introduced.
Learning Goals#
Describe how images are formed
Describe how MRI raw data is reconstructed into an image
Manipulate MRI sequence parameters to improve performance
Describe how the Partial Fourier method can be used
Manipulate and analyze MRI data
Reconstruct an image from raw data
Sorting the MRI Data into k-space#
Recall that the MRI signal is proportional to the Fourier Transform of the net magnetization of our object, evaluated at the k-space location defined by the gradients:
Note that this includes a dimension for the readout, \(t\), as well as different readouts for each TR, denoted by the subscript for the \(i^\mathrm{th}\) TR.
The data acquired during the readout will be sorted into data based on the k-space trajectory. The following example shows the Cartesian k-space trajectory, which acquired data in a raster fashion in k-space:
From this knowledge, the MR signal over time is stored in a data matrix with known k-space locations to create \(M(\vec{k})\).
Fourier Transform Reconstruction#
Once the data has been sorted into the corresponding lines in k-space, an inverse Fourier Transform is applied to reconstruct an image of the transverse magnetization
For typical Cartesian sampling, this can be done very simply with the 2D or 3D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm
The following animation illustrates typical k-space data as it would be acquired for different k-space lines (left) and the resulting image as more and more lines of k-space are accumulated
We can also acquire our k-space lines in a “center-out” or random ordering, shown below